2011年11月8日 星期二


甫發行的《2010聯合國千禧年發展目標》報告,首次概述了國際鳥盟(BirdLife International)所用的重要指標:重要野鳥棲地的受保護程度。此報告每年用全世界幼童影養不良的比例、瘧疾的發病率、是否有潔淨的飲用水等指標,評估全球朝聯合國千禧年發展目標邁進的進度,再加以發行。報告提出警告,雖整體而言,已有些微進展,但發展程度失衡。這份報告更找出了需要加緊努力的地區,這些地區唯有如此,方能在2015年前達到聯合國千禧年發展目標


國際鳥盟執行長Dr Marco Lambertini說:「由此可見,我們的資料數據、重要野鳥棲地的概念是有影響力的,基於科學的保育取徑、在地的國際鳥盟也是有其價值的。」

國際鳥盟所倡導的「世界自然保育聯盟物種紅皮書」(IUCN Red List Index)也在此報告扮演重要角色。據國際鳥盟和世界自然保育聯盟物種紅皮書對於鳥類、哺乳類所做的評估,正被推向滅絕的物種數量,比絕種風險正在減低的物種多。哺乳動物甚至比鳥類所受的威脅高。相較於已開發地區,鳥類和哺乳類物種在開發中地區,遭受的威脅較高,衰退的速度則不分上下,甚至更快。

國際鳥盟全球研究與指標協調員Dr Stuart Butchart說:「這份聯合國的報告承認國際鳥盟的資料至關重要,能集中行動於重點保育工作,追蹤朝永續環境邁進的進度除了國際鳥盟的全球夥伴,也有其他人獻身於收集全世界鳥類及重要保育場址的資訊,並加以分析,對他們而言,2010聯合國千禧年發展目標》是一份敬意。



UN uses BirdLife's IBAs as key indicator



The newly published 2010 UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report profiles one of BirdLife International's key indicators for the first time – the degree of protection of Important Bird Areas (IBAs). The report presents the yearly assessment of global progress towards the MDGs, using indicators like the proportion of children that are under-nourished, the incidence of malaria and access to clean drinking water. The report warns that while some overall progress has been made, it is uneven. And it pinpoints the areas where the accelerated efforts are needed to meet MDGs by 2015.

Goal 7 is to ensure environmental sustainability, and the report uses IBAs to assess the degree to which key habitats for threatened species are adequately protected. It recognises that IBAs are critical sites for the conservation of the world's birds and other biodiversity, and that protecting all of these areas would significantly contribute to the Convention on Biological Diversity's target to safeguard areas of biological importance. However, at present, more than two thirds of these sites are unprotected or only partially protected. 

"This shows the power of our data and the concept of IBAs, the value of our science-based approach to conservation and the impact of the local presence of BirdLife", said Dr Marco Lambertini, BirdLife's Chief Executive.

The IUCN Red List Index, which BirdLife pioneered, also features. Based on BirdLife's and IUCN's Red List assessments of birds and mammals, it shows that more species are being driven towards extinction than are improving in status. Mammals are even more threatened than birds. And for both groups, species in the developing regions are more threatened and deteriorating as fast as or faster than, species in the developed regions. 

"The UN report recognises the critical role that BirdLife’s data can play in focusing action and tracking progress towards environmental sustainability", said Dr Stuart Butchart, BirdLife's Global Research and Indicators Coordinator. "It is a tribute to the dedicated efforts of the BirdLife Partnership and others in gathering and analysing information on the world’s birds and the key sites for their conservation."

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations said of the MDGs, "Falling short would multiply the dangers of our world – from instability to epidemic diseases to environmental degradation. But achieving the goals will put us on a fast track to a world that is more stable, more just, and more secure."

